Join us in wandering the planet, or read about us doing it while you stay cozy at home. Whatever floats your boat. :)
You know how most people fit some travel into their lives? We’re a family of four who try to fit our lives into travel. Mike and I met on a Spring Break trip, got married on a cruise, got pregnant on a different cruise (souvenir!), and took our first baby to Vegas when he was 5 weeks old (That may not have been our best parenting idea. Then again, the newborn diaper blowout is far from the grossest thing that casino floor has seen.)
Anyway, while we are quite different people, one thing we agree on is that life is short, and the most important thing to us is to see as much of this planet in the time we have on it. Thankfully our kids agree at least enough to come along for the ride, with a below-average amount of complaining.
I’ve created this site primarily for our friends and family who like to see what we’re up to as we take on our biggest travel adventure yet - a year of worldschooling. I also know it’s an unusual thing to do (though far more common than most would realize!), so I’m happy to share how we are making it happen. It’s been a long time in the making, and we’ve had plenty of “learning and growing experiences” (my polite way of saying “difficulties,” “rough times,” or “total shitshows” ) along the way. This won’t be the site where you’ll see just how much better my life is than yours so you can feel bad about yourself because I only post perfect photos and happy times. We’ll all be honest about the ups and downs. Not every trip can be your favorite, and sometimes four people traveling together can get really freaking sick of each other. Plus, this will be our first (only?) homeschooling experience, so god only knows how bad we’ll screw that part up. Come watch the trainwreck! Bring popcorn!
If you have questions, ask away. I’m starting with posts about all the prep in the year ahead of the trip, and yes, there is a lot. And as the trip begins and continues, I’ll be asking the kids to contribute their thoughts as well. The parents always tell it from their points of view, but we’re not the only ones on this journey.
If you’ve read this far, thanks for your interest. Our second most important part of life on Earth is sharing it with others, so we’re happy you’re along for the ride (figuratively and perhaps literally)!