A Quick Update About Quick Updates
Now that we’re holding still in Barcelona for a few weeks, I’m hoping to catch up on the many blog posts I’ve been wanting to write since, like, four cities ago. In the first month, we were uprooting ourselves every one to five days most of the time. Copenhagen was the exception, but there we had so many opportunities to hang with friends, I just couldn’t bring myself to sit still and look at a computer. The irony is that our apartment in Barcelona is the only one we’ve had without wifi. So after a month of having wifi but no time, now we have time but no wifi. Looks like I’ll be testing the limits of our unlimited Google Fi plan!
Waiting to shove our way into a very crowded Paris Metro car.
Anyway, I will still be going back and doing longer posts with pictures from each place we visit. I’m going to try to put them in chronological order for the city-specific posts, so you may want to scroll down a bit every once in a while, if you want to read about somewhere in particular we stayed.
I’ll also be throwing in a bunch of shorter posts with random thoughts or funny conversations that happen along the way. As a family we have an overabundance of both!
Story discovered the joy of European beaches’ lack of dress codes. My thighs enjoyed seeing the light of day for the first time in ages.