The Unsung Heroes: Packable Backpacks
We’ve been paying attention to which items we packed have been most and least useful on the road. Each one deserves its own mini-post, but hands-down the top on my list for most useful are our four little backpacks. I realized this when I took the umpteenth picture of my three travel companions walking ahead of me, each wearing a different colored backpack.
At the Louvre.
Walking around Lund, Sweden.
On big transit days, when the number of bags allowed are highly restricted (usually just on flights), we fold the bags up into their built-in pouches, and they fit perfectly into our LiteGear* roller bags’ cup holders.
They fit in cupholders and in actual cups! The bag in the mug is the brand Nature Hike, but it’s the same design.
And then, whenever we arrive at our destination, we inevitably end up using the backpacks for every outing. Sometimes just one bag is enough for the whole family, but if we’re going to the beach or planning to be out for hours, we cram towels, extra shoes, water, snacks, etc. into our own bags for the day.
Climbing through a drfitwood sculpture/tetanus risk in Arild, Sweden.
We bought ours on Amazon in preparation for our original 2020 trip, and I’ve used them a ton at home too. I think we own two different brands because I liked the first bag I bought but couldn’t find the same brand again. Or maybe the price went up. Who knows? It was a long time ago.
Christiania in Copenhagen.
Whatever it was, regardless of the specific brand, they’ve been worth every penny and centime and krona we’ve carried around in them.
Frederiksberg, Copenhagen.
*I mentioned my love for our LiteGear bags in a previous post. I’m still loving those, too!
Figuring out where we should take our backpacks next.