F**k It: Let's Share
As I’m in the early stages of building this website, I have a few decisions to make. Originally I wanted it to be my journal of our journey (synapses just connected…jour = day, journal = daily record, journey = day’s trip…whoa, dude!), but then I realized I wanted it to be the journal for each of us in the family. And then I knew I wanted to be able to share it with friends and family and, well, we have a lot of friends and family. And as we travel we’ll only meet more.
Do we keep the site private?
Do we make it public but keep the names as initials or nicknames, and the photos as anonymous or just places and objects?
Or do we say “f**k it” and just be open online like we are in real life?
So, I took a family vote at dinner last night, over ridiculous (non-alcoholic) pineapple drinks for the kids and a couple of beers for Mike. Mike and Sagan voted f**k it. X-man (Sagan’s best friend who is on this trip with us and is basically part of the family but just enough not a part of it that his name will remain anonymous) used his 1/2 vote for f**k it as well. And Story was so busy giving herself brain freeze that she missed the entire conversation. But she’s always game for using the f-word in any context she’s allowed, so I’m pretty sure I know her answer.
So here we are. For now, barring any creeps or trolls or just total jerks changing our minds, we’re going public with the website. Wish us luck. And hello, any randos who have stumbled across this page! Welcome! (As long as you’re nice!)