How the Big Trip Prepared me for Quarantine and Vice Versa
With the obvious disclaimer that COVID sucks and is ruining/ending many people’s lives around the world, I want to take a minute to talk about some good things that have come out of this for us personally. The biggest one is some validation that my trip prep was heading in the right direction. What I mean by that is, we were/are planning to be traveling very light (one bag per person) and mostly just as a family unit. So I’ve been gathering up small items that offer maximum entertainment for months now. Same goes for gathering up apps, kindle books, and ideas for games and activities that don’t require objects.
So, we can’t go to the library now? No problem. I’ve been using online library books for months. Or we can start reading any of the books I’ve bought early.
Can’t go out with your friends? Let’s Zoom or Hangout or do a Facebook Messenger video call. This is actually my favorite part of all the lockdowns, because I was trying to encourage our friends to download apps like these just for us. Now all of a sudden everyone has them and uses them with everyone. So when we do finally hit the road someday, all of our loved ones will be well-versed in Skype-style connections.
Perhaps not the most flattering photo of these beautiful women, but the laughter and love was genuine and shows through.
And homeschooling! While I hadn’t officially attempted it before this, I have been stockpiling teaching tools and preparing for this for ages. So when the schools closed, I was actually a teensy bit excited to try it out. A week of it hardly makes me an expert, but it gave me a ton more confidence that I’ll able to do this full-time when we get the go-ahead to travel. (The schools will be back to doing the teaching - online - starting next week, but I’m grateful we got a chance to experiment.)
Even the packing and organization of toiletries and medications for the trip has made life in the house simpler. I know exactly what meds we have and where they are. I’d already begun stocking up on prescriptions too, so we aren’t having to make a mad dash to any pharmacies. We’re fairly well caught up on doctor and dentist appointments too, though the last round of them that were supposed to take place shortly before our scheduled departure date (May 27) are likely off the table for now.
On the downside, but a funny downside, we’d been trying to use up pantry items such as dried goods, canned foods, and alcohol. We were doing so well, too! Finally using stuff up, and the stock of wine was gone. But now we’ve gone back in the other direction, with shelves and freezers nice and full. Don’t worry, we still aren’t hoarding or panic-buying. We’re just back to where we were pre-pantry-emptying. Oh, and I do have an order placed for some box wines from the liquor store. That might have been a bit of panic buying, if I’m being honest. A lady’s gotta have her priorities.
And in the other direction, the quarantine has prepared me mentally for a lot of time with no company other than my three housemates, in limited quarters. To tell the truth, this was maybe the biggest stress hanging over me regarding the trip. I mean, we have traveled together a ton, and we’ve traveled for longish stretches. But it’s been a while, and our kids are older, and I’m someone who really needs my alone time…I just wasn’t sure I could do this without sometimes hating everyone a little. Or any combo of us hating any other combo of the rest of us. It’s hard, even if you really love each other.
But it turns out we’re doing really well. I know it will still be different when we’re on the road and stress levels are naturally higher. But I’m happy - and relieved - to say that our kids are turning out to be people I actually like being around. We’re all figuring out good ways to spend quality time together as well as apart. Some days are better balanced than others, of course, but overall I feel much more at ease about that aspect of our travel.
So now we wait and see what that travel will ultimately look like, and when. Every day brings more questions than answers for now, but I think we can ride this wave together.