The First of Our Thousand Steps
You guys! I did it! I booked a flight for the Big Trip! Having any single detail locked in is the step my brain has been eagerly awaiting. I haven’t been able to feel settled in months, because everything was a question mark.
We’d at least had it narrowed down to London “sometime in June for a couple of weeks,” but then it was, “Okay, so do we fly into London? Do we start somewhere else?” We had this one week between our Boston/Vermont plans (more on that later) and tentative London plans, so then I was searching for flights to somewhere in order to fill that week.
But then I found this amazing deal from Boston to London ($340 per person, one way), and I didn’t want to pass that up. So I chatted with a home exchange friend about moving our time in her London house up a week, and she was on board for that. Voila, London became Stop 1 on the international journey!
If you see our entire trip as a jigsaw puzzle (which is how I tend to view most things in life, because puzzles are my fave), I consider this finding the first corner piece. My hope is to get the corner and edge pieces organized before we leave. The meaty detail pieces can be filled in as we go.
For now, I’m very happy to be able to use my Sharpie on our wall map instead of more pencil. (I will not be circling Alabama by mistake. Ahem.) Progress!